Salary Sacrifice

Salary Sacrifice – Case Study What is salary sacrifice? Salary sacrifice is an arrangement employers may make available to employees – the employee agrees to reduce their earnings by an amount equal to their pension contributions. And in exchange, the employer then agrees to pay the total pension contributions. See our case study. Client contacted […]

Pension & Retirement 1

Vance Financial Management - Pension

Pension & Retirement Case Study 1 Background: Dr M took her NHS Pension in 2018 however continues to work and run her dental practice. Objective Dr M. still has approximately £150,000 of unused Lifetime Allowance (2018/19; £1,030,000). After contacting the NHS, Vance Financial Management recommended Dr M make a further contribution of around £75,000 into […]

Pension & Retirement 2

Pension & Retirement   Case Study 2 Background & Objective Dr C is a member of the NHS Pension scheme and wished to make an additional contribution into her existing Personal Pension. After requesting information from the NHS on her contributions we discovered that she had unused pension contributions of around £60,000 accumulated over the […]

Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance Tax Planning Case Study Background Dr L and his wife have an estate worth £2.4million. They are very concerned about the amount of inheritance tax their two children may have to pay on their deaths. Their will transfers all assets to the surviving spouse then children on second death. The maximum Residence Nil Rate Band […]

Business Protection

Business Protection – Case Study Background: Mr H owns a large Nursery, has two children and is married. There are two shareholders; Mr H who owns 85% and his sister who owns the remaining 15%. Currently the way the limited company is structured, Mr H’s shareholding (worth around £1.275million) will be inherited by his wife […]